U.S. Gaming Company CEO/CFO Compensation Study 2007


Our annual report is a synopsis of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer compensation in the U.S. gaming industry. Although the report is geared towards board directors and compensation committees, anyone interested in compensation trends will be well served by this report. In putting together the results it was clear that gaming executives are well paid.  More importantly however is the question whether a particular executive earned his or her pay.

Pay-for-Performance is a hot topic among corporate pundits and we believe it will continue to be an important issue for board directors, executives and shareholders alike. The data is further delineated by the following factors:

  • Compensation components (base, bonus, long-term, other);
  • Components as a % of base salary;
  • Market capitalization;
  • Aethos™ Pay-for-Performance Index.

You may download the full report here. We hope you find the study useful in making strategic decisions regarding executive pay at your company.